Medicaid Waivers

Medicaid Waivers, sometimes called Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), allow Medicaid to fund supports and services for children and adults with disabilities in their family homes or community residential programs instead of institutions. Medicaid Waivers allow an individual to use traditional Medicaid services and the additional services available through the Medicaid Waiver program.

On July 1, 2024, several changes to Indiana’s Medicaid Waivers went into effect. Please visit
2024 Medicaid Waiver Changes for information and updates.

An application for Medicaid Waiver services can be made online at BDS Gateway .

Applications are also available at local BDS offices.

Questions? Need help applying? Call The Arc Advocacy Network at 317-977-2375 or 800-382-9100 and ask to speak with a family advocate.
